According to Justin Spratt, CEO of Quirk, the average age of a Facebook user is 38, Twitter is 39, LinkedIn is 37 and Mxit is 27. The teenagers are far outnumbered by the business-owning, money-spending, discerning adults out there.
Social Media is a way for businesses to interact with their customers on a personal, intimate level – where they can find out exactly what their customers want and how they want it.
Social Media is not a black hole of complaining customers. It is a community of empowered consumers eager to help you help them. Similarly, your interaction with them should be on a “how can we help you?” basis. The only times that social media campaigns have failed is when companies lost touch with their customers and became insincere in their interactions. Customers can forgive your mistakes if you own up to them, but they can’t forgive dishonesty and hypocrisy.
Siyathetha Communications will be putting together more articles on how your business can build your Social Media connections in a sincere and genuine way. Watch this space!